Thursday, December 12, 2013


2 1/2 lb of Fish Fillet-chop into fine or use a  meat grinder
2 tbsp of Fish Sauce
2 tbsp of Lemon Grass Paste
1/2 cup of chopped green onions
2 tbsp of Sliced Lime Leaves
1 tbsp of Sugar
1 1/2 cup of Chopped Green Beans
one cup of oil
 mix well  for favor . Preheat the pan with oil fry the fish cake about two to 3 three mins. Low the heat to medium, don't want the fish  cake to burn. Enjoy

Ingredients:Cucumber Sauce
2 tbsp of Fish Sauce
2 tbsp of Sugar
1 or 2 tbsp of Vinegar
3 tbsp of Hot Water
2 cloves of Chopped Salad
2 cloves of Chopped Garlic
2 chopped  chili
1/2 cup of Sliced Cucumber
Mix everything together, and it good to go, Go well with fish cake.